Give Food
A great way to help out is by donating food items that conform to health regulations regarding best buy dates. Food can be dropped off in the bins at Valu-mart or Foodland or in person at the Foodbank. Click the button below to find out what we need!

Give Food
A great way to help out is by donating food items that conform to health regulations regarding best buy dates.
Food can be dropped off in the bins at Valu-mart or Foodland or
Great examples of nonperishable food items include:
Canned fish and meat
Soup and Stews
Peanut Butter
Canned or dried legumes
Pasta and pasta sauces
Canned fruits and vegetables
Other helpful items:
Baby formula
Personal hygiene products
Household items
Pet food
Toilet paper
Paper towels

Donate Funds
By making a cash donation, you will be allowing us to purchase perisable foods or to replenish items we might be missing. Tax receipts will be issued for donations of $10 or more.
Through CanadaHelps:
Through Paypal*:
Simply click the "Donate Now" button (note: You do not need a Paypal account).
By E-transfer:
to the Bobcaygeon Food Bank at bobcaygeonfoodbank@gmail.com
Please include your email address and mailing address in the message for receipt purposes!
By Cheque:
to Bobcaygeon Helps Food Bank
P.O. Box 412
Bobcaygeon, ON
K0M 1A0

Share Time
With no paid employees, we rely on our dedicated volunteers to help stock shelves, aid in food distribution to our clients, and assist with fundraising and events. For just three hours a week, you can
make a difference
If you would like to get involved, please fill in the form below or Contact Us.